Have you ever had your checking account hit zero before your next paycheck hits the bank? You’re not alone. According to a recent survey by Bankrate, 76% of Americans had less than 6 months of emergency savings available. Having six months of savings available isn’t an easy feat. You can get there with some effort and trust me, the financial…
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Emergency Fund Usage Update
Today’s post is by Lance, my husband. In our last post, Tori mentioned that she may have to dig into her emergency fund. At the time, she did not have a date when she would be able to start working again after getting cleared to return to work from her disability. Luckily, things have changed and Tori was able to…
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Why I Might Need My Emergency Fund Soon
So as awful as my foot surgery (and being out of commission for 21 weeks) was, I was incredibly grateful for having short term disability available. I was able to rest and heal without the worry of how I was going to pay all of my minimum bills and student loans. Unfortunately, just because I had a disability check saving…
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Which Is More Attractive? A Saver Or A Spender?
Today’s post is by the founder of Money Life and More (and my husband), Lance! I recently came across a piece on MSN about money and love, so I knew I’d need to talk about it! Here’s a quick quote from the article that summarizes it pretty well, then I’ll dive more into my thoughts on it. Researchers conducted a…
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Obscene Amounts of Alcohol and Cruising
Most adults would admit that when they envision paradise, it includes a really yummy cocktail in your hand. Am I right? A cruising vacation to the Caribbean means living on a floating paradise that is loaded with endless food and alcohol. My husband and I aren’t usually ones to go out to a bar and go drinking. We do however like sipping…
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